Sunday, April 11, 2010

Without iTunes..

.Chuck Norris would put the dogs back in.

.Downloading illegal songs would be even more difficult.

.Bacon wouldn't taste the same.

.Pre-Calc w/a tad bit of Trig would be the cure for caner.

.We would all grow tails.

.Windows 7 would be MUCH more complicated.

.The world would stop spinning.

.Push-ups would be pull-downs.

.America's Next Top Model would be obese.

.Utah would be its own country.

.Youtube would become froofroob.

.Blogging would become cool.

.Books woiuld light fires for no reason.

.Instead of iPods we would have miJobs.

.The stock market would literally turn into the stock market.

.The stock market would become the paper market.

.Pink, green, and yellow would be the only combination of ice cream anyone would be allowed to own.