Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh My, Jr. High

When I was in Junior High, I loved to play basketball. I played ever since I was in fifth grade on city league teams and played for the Junior High team as well. In eight grade, our team wasn't that great but we had fun. Practices at 6:00 in the a.m were not that great but I loved playing in the games.

Our tournament was at Butte and we were all so excited to go because we didn't get to go the year before. We all felt so cool when we walked into Butte's gym and we had to share a locker room with Butte. They weren't in there when we got there so we hurried and got dressed and went back out and got ready to play our game.

When we went into the locker room when we were getting ready for another one of our games, all of our stuff was knocked off of the benches and all over the floor. Everyone figured it was the Butte girls that shoved all of our stuff off and some of the girls got mad and decided to seek revenge.

Some of our girls found some jewelry that were in some of the lockers and threw it all over the place and put some of it down the shower drains. Some of our other girls ripped someones bra in half, did some stuff to some of their drinks, put lotion in some other girls' shoes, and it just kept getting worse and worse. It was way crazy.

So while we were playing our last game, the Butte girls found out what some of our girls did. They told their coach and their coach called the cops.

When halftime came, we all went into the locker room, like we always do, and there was a cop and some of the Butte girls in there. The cop was taking pictures of some of the stuff that some of our girls did and we all knew that we were in trouble.

Our coach asked the cop what was wrong and he told her everything. Well, just everything that he knew of. Our coach was not happy at all and told us all the she told us not to touch their stuff when we first got there and then she was going to leave. The cop told her not to so she stayed in and the cop and our coach told us that who ever was apart in anything to confess and tell everyone what they all did.

Most of the girls confessed and went to the front and told everything that they did. None of them could play in the rest of the game. And the girls that confessed were mad at some of us girls because we didn't confess but we didn't do anything.

The cop told us that he could get them into some big trouble for vandalism, but one of the moms to one of the girls from our school told the cop and the Butte coach that the Butte girls started it and was messing with our stuff first. Their coach told that mom that her girls didn't tell her that so our girls didn't get in trouble with the cop because of that.

After halftime and everything was over, we just totally sucked it up when we played. Butte came out and they were cheering for the team that we were playing against. We also ended up getting last in the tournament. None of our parents were too happy about that, but a lot of them were just happy that it wasn't their kid that participated in everything. And ever since then, Butte has totally hated us. I wonder why..